
Suddenly there was a mass exodus of birds, flushed out from the rooftops and sidewalks of downtown. A cloud of mostly pigeons, interspersed with seagulls, starlings and sparrows, swooped around the buildings and down the streets.

Squinting into the noonday sky I spot the reasons. Too very large hawks slowly circling high above.

There are more hawks and falcons arriving yearly to our city in response to the increasing number of pigeons. At my apartment building I have seen as many as ten at once circling our skies. Falcons were introduced to our city core many years ago in an attempt to curb pigeon growth, but word got out and soon hawks were joining the foray.

To witness the slow circling flight of these birds is mesmerizing, terrifying and awe inspiring at the same time. But I think magnificence because they seem to rule their realm.

However, it is also true that crows vociferously announce the hawks whereabouts and mercilessly attack them on wing.

Nature makes sure all balances out, and it fills me with wonder.

I saw lots of osprey on my visit to Spokane a few years ago.


Just as men got called out for their abusive behaviour towards women, now corporations are being set to task for their employment policies. Called out by women. Yay!

Yay! to Abigail Disney for starting to expose the lies us drudges all know but could never speak out. The smoke and mirrors bosses and companies ply us with to make themselves look good, make us work harder for less and fatten up shareholders and CEO’s wallets.

It is a movement that started before Abigail, but she is an unexpected source of support, she is lifting the fog, making people see clearly the truth about company tactics.

The old way of employment must be thrown out.

Regardless of your age or qualifications, if you do the work, you should be paid for it. It is obscene to have employees earn below the poverty line and reward CEO’s double digit millions just for showing up. What this means is that a lot more than that CEO’s bonus was made in profits and went to shareholders. A lot more money. And not any of that money was given to the people who actually earned it.

It is disgusting that us drudges have to prove ourselves over and over and over for mere crumbs, knowing that at any minute bosses can pull our life line and we can be let go. No matter how long we have worked, how faithful we have been, or how much abuse we have endured, we are expendable.

It was always presumed to be the employees fault for not earning enough, or advancing in the company. The old belief in working harder and longer will yield recognition and rewards, or getting more education equates to more pay. I have done both and received no extra compensation, nor recognition, only more duties and higher expectations of me.

There are tons of things about working as a drudge I could go on about, but I am just so happy to see some cracks forming in the foundation of old employment practices opening up. To see a new age dawning for the working person.

Meanwhile, Sally still plays the game in searching for employment as a senior:


Sally Sixty Something

I made this cartoon for a friend who is struggling to be employed again after being dumped for a younger version of herself after years of loyal, untarnished service.

I don’t care how much training you got in school, what school you went to, how many scholarships and awards you gained, how good your grades were or how handsome/beautiful and sexy you are. NOTHING beats experience.

If you leave your place of business exclusively in the hands of the young, soon you will flounder.

When I was twenty something I thought I knew everything. As a senior, I realize I did not know much at all.

To be a successful company, you need a blend of young and old on your staff. The young can put in the hours, they are keen, they are quick, they know cutting edge technology.

But WISDOM comes from the ones who have been around the block a few times.

Yes, at times you need to move fast, but on those big decisions, you need someone to put on the brakes and think things through.

You also need someone to mentor your young.

Once, when I was only in my early fifties and applying for a job I got this response, that I have heard many times since, which is totally ridiculous “We really want someone with your experience, but we were hoping for someone younger…”

Well, guess what? You can’t have both.

So put away all your youthful boasting and bravado, and allow a senior on your staff. Let him or her work whatever hours they want, and be open to their counsel. It might just save your ass.

A Place For You

There is always a place for you to do good and contribute to the world.

It does not matter your personality. God always has a place for you. In that place you will do good.

You don’t have to be perfect or even particularly nice. Steve Jobs ushered in the personal computer era and was a nasty individual, but so did Bill Gates, and he is a philanthropist. So being nasty is not a prerequisite to genius.

People who can withstand pain and fear can be Navy Seals, Special Forces, firefighters, ambulance drivers. Smart people can solve big problems; Boyan Slat takes on the ocean clean up. Non-traditionalists take care of tradition; Christopher Skaife tends the ravens at the Tower of London. It is all good and I find it wonderful there is a place of value for all kinds of people.

What I find amazing is that even if you are an SOB, God can still use you to do good and contribute value to the world. But all the bad you do? Unfortunately, not always good results from your walk on the planet. A lot of human damage, pain and suffering comes from bastards, even genius bastards.

Personally, I refuse to worship miserable sots who did good. If they hurt humans or other life on this planet, the final judgement is a thumbs down. Others have created things and done great things while not destroying lives in the process, so it is not a given that you need to be unpleasant.

Even if you are a driven, type A person, you don’t have to drive other people to their deaths in pursuit of your dream. Especially if that dream is a selfish, grandiose pursuit of personal power and fame, solves none of our problems and contributes more. Think massive production of cars, telephones, spacecraft and walls. There I go again!

Best Self Help

I checked out a self help book written by the son of an author I used to read a lot of, to see if he had anything new to say. I used to be the self help book Queen. I read them all.

Instead, it was a rehash of old principles that have circulated forever, and for the working masses, the majority of us, just don’t work.


Because self help is based on these lies: perfection is attainable, that we are defective, it is all our fault if things are not right, and we must do more, and more and more, work, work, work. There even might be some magic involved. And of course, spend lots of money to get help. Ugh.

Us drones are already on perpetual overwhelment. We don’t need to add more things to do to our days, to our brains. To be told we are faulty in some way and need to be corrected. This is too much like our bosses constantly beating us to improve, work harder, longer, so they get more and we get less. It is all a big, fat, lie.

There are not ten things you need to do every morning, another ten at night, and fifty more things to remember all the rest of the day with strategically placed sticky notes. Good grief!

We all need permission to do less. We all need to hear we are okay as we are. To have space and time that are ours only. Ours.

When have I experienced the most self improvement, the most inspiration, received wisdom and knowledge, answers, guidance? When I am still. When I sit outside and watch Mother Nature. When I’m not doing anything. When I can contemplate my life without harassment, judgement or hurry. Or to not think at all. Certainly not when I am being criticized, judged, brow beaten, shamed, guilted. If I feel I must work on faults that someone else says I have. That it is wrong to not be perfect. Yuck.

I don’t need another tyrannical boss in my life demanding I change to suit their needs. I am good enough as I am. Anything that needs fixing is God’s domain. If I am quiet with Him, not only do I get revelation, but I am changed, without post-it notes, affirmations, magic crystals or chanting. Or spending zillions of dollars on self help books, motivational seminars or products.

Remember this. There is a place for everyone. You do not have to be molded to fit a situation. You can shine where you are at, just as you are.

I am particularly distressed about a new trend that states you should think about work first thing in the morning so you are better prepared for your day. Stop it!! The mornings are the best time for quiet. The best time to do something for YOU and you only. Your time. Not your bosses! I cherish my morning time, there is no way my job or anyone can have that EVER. My job already steals all my joy and energy right through until the next morning. I bet for a lot of you, this is also true.

Best self help? Experience. Learn and grow from living. Do a lot of reading. Pay attention. Have fun. Work less at what you loathe.

Take a holiday, and don’t read any self help books when you do. They will make you crazy.


Desperately waiting for spring.

For now I immerse myself in doing colourful pictures for our next children’s book, the bright inks making a snow white-out day somewhat more tolerable. I try not to look out the window at the grey drab dress of the day. Instead, I’ve got a comical moose to paint to make little ones laugh.

The winter put a serious mood on me, so I fight back with my inks and colour pencils. The delight of my life is to create and give flesh to my friends inspired poetry.

As the days get longer my spirits lift, despite the fact winter does not want to go. This has been a long winter. Very long. The cloud of gloom is rising, and there I still am, underneath, happily writing and drawing, waiting to open a window and usher in green.

Being Nice

Us Canadians are often accused of excessive politeness, but I can see no harm in that whatsoever. If anything, the world could use a hefty dose of manners. There is so much mudslinging and rudeness today.

Being rude is a form of violence. People who use it as a weapon are the same ones who cannot tolerate being rudely treated themselves.

It is also highly infectious. If exposed to it too long, everyone is soon rude to everyone else.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could be polite and kind even when we must criticize? Even when we must correct anothers behaviour?

Rudeness is bullying. It definitely does not belong in places of power and authority. It does not belong anywhere in society. Rudeness is a reflection of a persons level of maturity, and a clear indicator of their lack of empathy, compassion and understanding.

We all have been treated rudely at some time in our lives, some of it deliberate, some of it not, and maybe even at times a result of our own bad manners. Did it improve the situation? I doubt it. But when you have been treated with respect, even kindness, how do situations turn out?

Being kind makes you feel good.

Being rude may make an immature bully feel powerful, but it greatly diminishes his stature in other peoples eyes.

I have been bullied by bosses, boyfriends, doctors, sales clerks. All made for memorable experiences, but never made me respect them.

I’ve also had kindness extended to me when I didn’t deserve it. Gratitude when I hadn’t done anything much to warrant it. Strangers who have helped me when I’ve been drowning in troubles.

True heroes are those who know that good wins. They are also likely to refuse your adulation, because being nice is just who they are.

One Problem Twenty Problems

Why is it some things go bad right from the beginning and the harder you try to fix them, the badder they get.

At work we call it the ‘One Problem Twenty Problems’ syndrome.

The more urgent and important the thing is, the more likely we will encounter problems. But definitely, if it starts wrong it tends to spiral into madness, and the original one problem quickly becomes twenty new ones.

Eventually all gets solved, but it sure leaves some scars, and some lessons learned.

Some things are predictable – we just know it is going to go badly. Even then we seem powerless to stop what we know is coming.

It is a very strange phenomena.

It has been one of those weeks.

Love Mentors

The most astonishing thing in the world is the human-animal bond.

It is incredible that all living things respond to love, even plants.

Utterly fantastic that creatures so unlike us in every way; their features, habits, behaviours, can so readily bond with us. They can recognize us as an individual, come when we call and they so willingly and without judgement, return our affections. We are able to befriend predators, the dangerous, and the unlikely as easily as a cat or a dog. It does not mean such animals cease to be who they are, and as such we need exercise a healthy and cautious regard for their base natures, which many people have forgotten to their peril, it just means they can respond to us on a level they do not typically have with other animals.

I marvel at this, because love is something felt and acted on and not easily explained. It has an energy, just like all emotions. And humans have it most of all. The capacity for love we take for granted, but if you think about it, is mind-blowing.

When I was young a chrysalis was found on a plant my mom had bought. I watched that every day and talked to it. This sounds surreal, but when that monarch butterfly finally emerged, it was bonded to me. It would fly and follow me and alight on me where ever I went! So I guess at a very early age I was astounded and intrigued by this ability of creatures to bond to a human. Since then I have experienced this same phenomena countless times with all manner of animals and plants.

Is it not truly also amazing that animals can learn love from us, and sometimes extend that love to other creatures? Just incredible.

I have read that in many instances, the ability to kill is a learned behaviour in predators as opposed to being a given instinct. Which causes me to ponder the scripture in the Bible ‘The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock…’

Perhaps our role on this earth is to teach love and compassion to our fellow creatures and bring to pass scripture that claims animals will lie down and feed together and a child shall lead them. The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord (Love!)

Imagine if we could truly grasp what this means. If we could live this. Love is greater than we realize. I believe it not only encompasses the entire universe but is the reason why we are here, and things are as they are.

Scripture is Isaiah 65:25 and Isaiah 11:6-9


If I could have an acting role in a movie, I should like to be Q in a James Bond adventure.

This should make you laugh, because I am the farthest thing from a tech geek you can imagine! But the original Q was too, apparently.

It would be fun to tease Bond with tech wizardry, seduce him with the sexiness of it (oh, and that Aston Martin!!) and also save his ass with it. A good role in which you appear briefly, but can be many things waiting to be discovered and developed. Q had a secret life, made secret things and was probably a loner like me. He was the one you could never doubt his loyalty to Bond, MI5 and country.

What could be better than that?

And, it would be tremendous fun!