
Suddenly there was a mass exodus of birds, flushed out from the rooftops and sidewalks of downtown. A cloud of mostly pigeons, interspersed with seagulls, starlings and sparrows, swooped around the buildings and down the streets.

Squinting into the noonday sky I spot the reasons. Too very large hawks slowly circling high above.

There are more hawks and falcons arriving yearly to our city in response to the increasing number of pigeons. At my apartment building I have seen as many as ten at once circling our skies. Falcons were introduced to our city core many years ago in an attempt to curb pigeon growth, but word got out and soon hawks were joining the foray.

To witness the slow circling flight of these birds is mesmerizing, terrifying and awe inspiring at the same time. But I think magnificence because they seem to rule their realm.

However, it is also true that crows vociferously announce the hawks whereabouts and mercilessly attack them on wing.

Nature makes sure all balances out, and it fills me with wonder.

I saw lots of osprey on my visit to Spokane a few years ago.