Senior Moment

It was my birthday.

To celebrate, I decided to repot a poor little plant I had. Some people I guess, get cake and a candle. I’m too practical.

I headed to Zellers and found a nice clay pot for $1.15.

I was fourth or fifth in line at the checkout, but the young clerk never took her eyes off me.

When I got to the cash, she cheerfully tells me I get 20% off because I’m a senior. It looked like some other customers were about to break into applause.

“It’s my birthday. I just became a senior today.” I mumbled, and thought, I’d be happy to just pay the $1.15 and get the heck out of there!

Nope, she insisted I get my 20% off and I slunk away.

It was my first senior discount. A rite of passage, I suppose. Not altogether very pleasant.