Pay Your Employees

Once again, the uber rich 1% look for new and clever ways to rip off their employees. The very same employees who work hard to keep these bastards rich.

So they announce that employees who work remotely should be compensated according to where they work. The more expensive the area the more pay (which I severely doubt would ever happen anyways).

Where a person works has got NOTHING to do with what you pay.

You pay a person for the work they do. If a job is worth $50 an hour, you pay them $50 an hour, whether they live on the Arctic circle or downtown San Francisco.

I have seen this argued before based on a persons age, race, gender.


You pay a person what the job is worth.

And if you have a very valuable employee, you pay them MORE.

You cheap bastards.

No one ever paid me more because my rent was high! HA! HA!

But I have been paid less because I am single. I have been paid less because I am a woman.

I get paid nothing now, because I am a senior.

What’s in a Name?

Here’s a name you may not know, but you should – Boyan Slat.

Allow me to introduce him to you.

Someone has to do it.  That’s just it, is the first words he says.

This is a young man attempting to clean up our oceans while billionaires like Bezos, Musk and Branson send junk up into space to fuel their egos.

While brain dead politicians like Trump try to convince us there are no environmental problems.

But Mr. Slat can see for himself.  He had this vision, this passion, to clean up the plastic from our oceans as a teenager, and with great tenacity is making that dream come true as a young adult.

He’s had to solicit funding from uber rich slobs who will only fund such feats if there is dollars in it for them.  If the collected plastic can’t be recycled (and hence not generate any money) or the project fails, out they go.  They could care less about the environment.

As Mr. Slat states, the answers to our problems is not to go back to what we were.  Our technology has enabled us to live greatly improved lives and to live longer.  We now need to use that technology to save the environment, and hence ourselves so we can continue making our lives better.  Not only this, but to get to a point where we are self sustaining, so we no longer have to keep taking from nature – we are separate, and no longer causing such great harm.  What an awesome young person!

We have so many uber rich people in this world who could fund such projects to clean our air, water and land and many brilliant minds who could put their talents to better use than designing yet another damn telephone.

The time for debates and another 500 page report on environmental issues is OVER.  We have to stop listening to our politicians – this is the only thing they excel at – TALKING – endlessly and say nothing, and worse, do nothing.  We have to be vigilantes now, like Boyan Slat and take matters into our own hands and save the world and ourselves, by ourselves.

That 12 year clock is ticking down.

No Prizes for Mankind

No Nobel Prize for literature this year?  Well, doesn’t that speak volumes on how far our society has deteriorated.

Life, and all we know of  is like a graph of oscillating functions.  There are peaks and then . . . well, currently we are in the trough where all the pigs eat.

I am hopeful that such upheavals mean we are on the upswing.  Although the peaks are pretty bad also.

In humankind we are all too human.  We need more kind.

Money, power and sex have ruled our societies long enough.  It is time for new ways of being.  However, I am doubtful we can change.  There is a threshold we can so easily cross, which shrinks what little brain we actually use, giving us tunnel vision.  That tunnel vision is greed.

Our leaders are elected solely for their talent in acquiring money, irrespective of the methods.  Their only purpose for being in power is to get more money for themselves.  They are barely given a slap on the wrist for their gross mistreatment of virtually everyone.  Where would you and I be if we behaved so badly?

The uber rich receive awards for creating jobs (yet treat their employees as slaves).  The result is they have so much money they don’t know what to do with it (say what?!).  Some of these arrogant snobs could end world poverty, but launch rockets into space instead (the ultimate phallic symbol) claiming this will help and even save mankind.  Puhleese.

No prizes for mankind this year.

But guess what?  I want to be rich!  Because I want to retire and do the things I love all day.  I don’t want to launch rockets, or have slaves or run countries.  Money is freedom to me.  I want to live well, and live quietly.

Even with my loud voice!