Getting Dressed

I was not required to be a fashionista in my former job, in fact, I got to wear the same type of clothes every single working day for the past 15 years. Scrubs.

It made my life enormously easy.

But how boring!

Last week I looked in my closest and saw the most delightful assemblage of neglected beautiful clothes that I seldom, if ever had a chance to wear.

Ditto for jewellery.

Another discovery during my covid at home stay – I have neglected my femininity.

Forgotten it completely, actually.

The first day I got dressed up in fancy clothes I remembered how good it feels. How nice it looks. That I am a woman. And it is a huge privilege.

Sometimes our jobs make us forget that we are more than slaves, robots or things in scrubs. Make us forget our selves. Make us dress and act for them.

But there has to be a time for us. When we can dress and be crazy, sexy, wild, shabby, extravagant, elegant or go naked. Load ourselves down with necklaces, rings, bracelets and pins until we look ridiculous. Have fun!

Clothes and accessories can be a creative expression of who you are. I forgot that I have a personality. That I am a lousy dresser. That I have purchased some pretty out there clothes, but also some expensive designer stuff.

That I am way over do for some new outfits.

Getting Unstuck

I don’t like to make new years resolutions as I will quickly abandon my best intentions and then feel like a failure. Who needs that? I have plenty of opportunities to feel like a failure in my normal every day life. Mostly because I am doing a whole lot of shit I don’t like doing. New Years resolutions don’t usually involve fun, and that is why they don’t work. I already have enough of not fun in my life.

I suspect that many others have a lot of not fun too.

That is why so many determine to change their lives at this time of year.

But boy, life can sure try to keep you where you are at.

Why is that?

Despite our longing to be free, our supreme desire to be different, our yearning to follow our passions, we fail to get a breakthrough. It isn’t for lack of persistent trying. Many have pushed and pushed and come up empty. We never hear about the failures, only the success stories. I think hearing only one side of the equation makes people feel very very bad and sets them up for unrealistic expectations.

But I am definitely not saying don’t try, to give up before you even start, because you might be one of those success stories. At the very least, you will have learned something and got some valuable experiences. It is sad however, that most of us never get the lasting changes, the highs we want.

I know I often talk about failures, only because I think to fail is more realistic an outlook than success.

I do know that even when you do try, you still have regrets. I hate it when people say to me “Well, at least you tried. At least you did it”, implying that having just pursued a dream is good enough. It is not. Anyone who has pursued their dreams and failed know this. You still have regrets, maybe even more regrets because you failed. Your dreams are a big part of who you are, so they leave deep wounds. It touches your identity. It can make you lose hope.

The best advice I can give myself is to look for joy. Joy can be found anywhere in most everything. It can be extremely small and yet fill your heart with warmth. It may not change your world, but it will change the moment. If you can find joy in the moments it can help get you through all the rest of the shit you must endure to stay alive.

Getting unstuck from bad situations can take a long time, and I think we get disheartened because it takes so long. We are quick fix creatures, so we need a lot of Zen to make things happen.

I think you need to know what it is that you really want. Not the external stuff like houses, cars, money. But the inside deal – freedom, peace, love, that kind of stuff. If you know what it is you truly want, then maybe you can match your experiences to that, and find it, and keep it and change your world.

So don’t set any resolutions. Just try new stuff, new experiences and look for joy and endure another year. Maybe you are closer to success than you realize.

At least, that is what I keep telling myself.


If I could have an acting role in a movie, I should like to be Q in a James Bond adventure.

This should make you laugh, because I am the farthest thing from a tech geek you can imagine! But the original Q was too, apparently.

It would be fun to tease Bond with tech wizardry, seduce him with the sexiness of it (oh, and that Aston Martin!!) and also save his ass with it. A good role in which you appear briefly, but can be many things waiting to be discovered and developed. Q had a secret life, made secret things and was probably a loner like me. He was the one you could never doubt his loyalty to Bond, MI5 and country.

What could be better than that?

And, it would be tremendous fun!

Come Play With Me!

Every day when I attempt to do my exercises, Sam my cat comes to help.  I am doing various poses for frozen hips and legs, something Sam does not suffer from.  At first I thought he just lacks understanding as to what I am trying to do, but I’ve changed my mind.  He is a lot smarter than me.

He reminds me that we adult humans turn every task into work.  We need to play.

As I do static exercises; hold a pose, much like Yoga, to coax my body back into alignment, Sam is busy undoing my best efforts.  He jumps up on my back, bites my toes, fiddles with my legs, nibbles on my fingers, licks my face.

He wants to play.  That is how he stays in alignment.  Constant free flowing movement, ridiculous positions, contortions of upper and lower body going in opposite directions.  Stretches that enable him to do the limbo under 2 inches into cupboards and under furniture.  Energy that propels him up in a couple of bounds to the highest perch and back down in one.

Sam knows how to have fun!

He is trying to tell me something when he perches on my back during a thoracic stretch.  When he bites my toes while trying to do a foot stretch.  Nibbles on my fingers while trying to do the corpse pose.

I get visions of jungle gyms, monkey bars, ropes hanging invitingly over swimming holes.  The mad splash from jumping into puddles.  The thrill of scaling fences and climbing trees.  Hop Scotch and skipping rope.  Sam says, yeah!  Be a kid again!

At the moment I barely survive static exercises.  My hips and legs don’t yield much yet.  For sure, I am not having any fun at this.

Meanwhile, purring madly, Sam is a pure delight of energy and fun, ready to mess up my best efforts of anything I claim as work.  He has a radar for the mundane, the boring, so whenever I get immersed in it, he is quick to thwart it.  Whether it be exercise, writing a report, washing dishes or studying, he soon disrupts it.

Come play with me!  He grabs my pen and off he goes!  A merry chase ensues that soon has me breathless and laughing (but not yet to the point of rolling on the floor – it takes me some time to get down there).  When the game is over, he head butts me and purrs deep into my soul.

Oh to be agile like him – well, for a few moments of chase when I forget myself – that is the adult serious self, I am.  Perhaps he is right, all my day should be full of merry chases and a little less of making everything a chore.

If you don’t own a pet, check out videos on You Tube of cats and dogs helping their owners do exercises to convince them they are not doing it right.  They seem to know better than us!

Joy List

What do you do when a project you enjoyed is done?  When the book is published, the house built, the vacation over, you got your degree?

Well, you start another!

Better yet, have several fun things waiting for your attention.

I don’t have much celebration time upon completing a fun project.  I have several more waiting in line for me, some have been languishing for years!  So I have a cup of tea and start the next thing.

Don’t presume I am a type A person, or I am super busy.  I have plenty of down time and I am rather phlegmatic.  But anything I enjoy I can spend long periods of time at (including doing nothing).  Yesterday I spent 8 hours preparing and publishing our latest book, with only a few pee breaks.  When you love what you do this is nothing.  8 hours is 5 minutes.  Joyless activities are 5 minutes equals 8 hours.

Joy is my reason for living.  I don’t have any purpose or meaning beyond that.

Laugh, sing, make some noise – enjoy your life!

I wish I had that philosophy 40 years ago, but I do now and am striving to make Joy a full time habit and get back those lost years.  There are a lot of meaningless, tedious things I still need to get rid of.  So I encourage you to make joy your priority and don’t waste another minute.  Even if joy is a cat on your lap purring your time away.  Don’t you believe for a second that your life needs to be full of things you have to do that you loathe.  It does not!  I have lived this lie long enough!  Have to, should do, must do . . . ugh!

Have a joy list, those are the only projects worth pursuing.  When you finish one, there’s more joy waiting for you.  Isn’t that a great way to live?