
When I was young we had, what probably no one has heard of today, debating societies.

In school we would have contests to see which side could give the most convincing argument either for or against a certain topic or idea.

It gave us a chance to see important points on both sides of the street, as it were. These debates never, as far as I knew, caused trouble.

There were no murders or personal or cultural cancellations. It gave young people a chance to explore other opinions and ideas without fear. It made people think about issues and formulate their own opinions.

The debates never involved personal attack. No one was belittled or condemned for a point of view. It was all about facts and presentation. You might not be swayed by one point of view, but it made you think more clearly about issues.

To shake things up, a teacher would assign you, regardless of your personal opinions, to present a case often against what you believed in. This forced you to use your brain, to do research, and to see that often things are not as black and white as you previously thought.

This is what a good education is suppose to do – give you critical thinking and expand your mind.

Sadly missing today. Today, everything is about emotion. Just react to everything without a thought. It’s all about ME ME ME.

I’ve had all the emotion I can handle for a life time, thank you. Can we please just have interesting debates instead of out and out fury?

Time to Stop/Start

A lot of young millennials are out protesting and yelling at us ‘boomers’ about climate change. Pointing the finger at us and scolding and shaming us. Fine. Yes, we created problems. And yes, these problems are frighteningly real.

Every generation blames their parents for a bad world that they inherit. We got a mess from our parents, now you do too. There is always a big mess.

However, it is time to stop blaming us and take action, otherwise, you become just like us – endless talk and research and nothing gets done. It is time to mature and stop whining. It is my experience that protesting incites violence and results in minimal change.

If you want policy change, get in there, you are old enough to run for office. If you want a clean ocean, take a cue from Boyan Slat (The Ocean Clean Up), and get out there and clean it up! You want to protect the forests and wildlife – get out there and do it!

Your generation has many more opportunities, is much better educated than us, and has more innovative technology than we had. Just as we did beyond our parents generation. The best way to shame us is to do a whole lot better than we did with all the advantages we had.

Yes, there are very real problems and threats to our well being, there always has been, and yes it is a crisis. Stop yelling at us to fix it. Give us constructive workable solutions, like Boyan Slat (The Ocean Clean Up) and we can supply the money and experience. You have the imagination, innovation and energy.

Young and old, men and women and all cultures need to work together and create a great world to live in. Let’s work together. Stop ranting and start taking action. We will help.


When did we become so mean spirited? Why?

I watched with disgust as President Trump mocked 2 lovers at a recent rally he had, it was most unpleasant to witness a leader stoop so incredibly low. Does he think it makes him look better to belittle, judge, humiliate, mock others?

Leaders are adopting bullying, a juvenile, dangerous and utterly destructive form of leadership. Have you ever been bullied at school? At work? It is a most effective strategy is it not? If you are the bully, you have power over others, you rule the school yard, the office. Bullies don’t care what the cost is, they only want power and to destroy. They are totally self interested and they feed on fear.

Our leaders display the most despicable behaviours when they should be examples of grace, acceptance, manners, diplomacy. Instead they bully, blatantly lie and smear others with hateful commentary. They go to extreme lengths to discredit a fellow human being, engaging others in the quest and ignore their own faults and crimes. They are totally self absorbed. People mistake this as confidence and worship them. Such blind loyalty to a flawed human being is going to cost you. Everyone eventually falls around them, while they are still standing. Is this what we want our children to emulate?

Though I see this at a high level of leadership, I also see the ordinary person be extraordinary and rebel against this hate. Rejecting the us and them mentality that causes so much strife and violence. A leader is one person. We are many. We can quietly do good and change the world. Every small act of good can wipe out tons of bad. By living right we demonstrate what greatness is. We owe it to our children to show them the proper way to live.

The world is, like it or not people, a global community. If you look at history, we have always been striving to be so, eager to cross lines to trade and share, always on the move, restless to encounter others. The boundaries that once separated us are disintegrating, thanks to our ability to rapidly communicate and travel anywhere in the world. This is good and necessary because we all occupy the same, one, small little blue planet, alone in a huge and hostile universe. It is amazing we could think otherwise. The world is a closed ecosystem, what happens in one place spreads out everywhere. No, not even walls can hold back the jet stream, the ocean currents, tectonic plate movements!

Imagine if we all decided to clean up the pollution, end poverty, treat each other with respect and love. If we all worked together to fix our global griefs.

As long as we focus on our differences, openly mock and scorn others, keep our narrow mindedness and hard opinions, we are on a fast track to destruction.

What If

I read an article on how journalists have to ask the President questions on the lawn while his helicopter is still whirring loudly in the background, and how this makes the press look disorganized and unprofessional.

So I ask. What if the press just didn’t show up. What if old POTUS lands and no one is there? What if we ignore him?!

Ha. Ha. I like the game of what if.

I think there is a whole lot of other people and things and stuff we should just ignore.

Not that they’ll go away, but just to show we don’t give a F any more what they say or do, or what their opinions are. Especially if they profess to be the chosen one.

We are now going to pay attention to the things that do matter. Pollution. Poverty. Animal welfare. The environment. Human rights. Big important stuff. Let’s get back to making positive changes in this world that benefit everyone and everything, regardless of who or what they are. Stop paying attention to nonsense because it is entertainment. There are people in the world doing good, let’s go listen. Let’s take action ourselves.

What if we did that?

A Place For You

There is always a place for you to do good and contribute to the world.

It does not matter your personality. God always has a place for you. In that place you will do good.

You don’t have to be perfect or even particularly nice. Steve Jobs ushered in the personal computer era and was a nasty individual, but so did Bill Gates, and he is a philanthropist. So being nasty is not a prerequisite to genius.

People who can withstand pain and fear can be Navy Seals, Special Forces, firefighters, ambulance drivers. Smart people can solve big problems; Boyan Slat takes on the ocean clean up. Non-traditionalists take care of tradition; Christopher Skaife tends the ravens at the Tower of London. It is all good and I find it wonderful there is a place of value for all kinds of people.

What I find amazing is that even if you are an SOB, God can still use you to do good and contribute value to the world. But all the bad you do? Unfortunately, not always good results from your walk on the planet. A lot of human damage, pain and suffering comes from bastards, even genius bastards.

Personally, I refuse to worship miserable sots who did good. If they hurt humans or other life on this planet, the final judgement is a thumbs down. Others have created things and done great things while not destroying lives in the process, so it is not a given that you need to be unpleasant.

Even if you are a driven, type A person, you don’t have to drive other people to their deaths in pursuit of your dream. Especially if that dream is a selfish, grandiose pursuit of personal power and fame, solves none of our problems and contributes more. Think massive production of cars, telephones, spacecraft and walls. There I go again!

Poor Design

I have come to the conclusion that so often the people who design things have never actually used them.

Everything mankind has was designed by someone. We live in design. So why are we so poor at it?

Architects who have never lived in an apartment, visited a mall or have a clue what function their design is to house. Transportation ‘experts’ who have never taken a bus, driven a car or been a hapless pedestrian or cyclist. They have not seen the area in question other than as a google map. Sometimes, I am sure, the only thing that is considered is how much revenue will be generated, without a thought to virtually everything else; traffic flow, the environment, the neighborhood or anything.

I watch condominiums pop up like strip malls once did, and I marvel at how little thought was put into the actual living conditions of its future residents. Balconies are the biggest offender; offset so the people above you can look directly down onto yours; adjoining balconies that unscrupulous neighbors can easily visit your apartment, or listen in to all your outdoor conversations, or you have to endure all theirs with radios and children blasting. Access to the balcony is through your bedroom (who was the genius that thought that up?!) Inside we have small cut up rooms and doors so large that you have huge wall space you cannot use. Facts, such as we have 8 months of harsh winter are ignored. We need good fitting, sealed thermo glass windows. We don’t need tiled courtyards that become skating rinks. We have concerns about increased traffic on residential roads – Oh! The list is a long one for us ‘box’ dwellers.

Don’t even get me started on buses!

Poor design is rampant; exposed wires and mechanical parts on things subjected to the elements. Things so hard to use or so needlessly complicated, (think computer programs or electronics here), designed to look futuristic, sexy or whatever but are buggers to use. One function actually has 5 equally useless functions, pressing 1 takes you back to the beginning so you have 10 functions to wade back through. Small almost invisible buttons located where you normally hold an item so they get pressed when you don’t want. Fancy names for mundane functions so it takes a long time to figure out what the heck it really does. Another long list.

Many companies are not open to suggestions from the people who use their items daily and know what works, and what doesn’t.

The absolute worst however, is manuals, or rather the lack of manuals, cleverly (I say this word because those who did this think it is very forward thinking) replaced by tutorials. Manuals can be poorly written and illustrated, missing key points and diagrams, too much technical jargon and a lot of ‘you should already know what to do stupid’, but tutorials rely on you asking the right question in a technical language you are not privy to and this can soon get me screaming. Give me an index!

The best design of anything is something that addresses the primary function(s) of the object in question and then considers a lot of other factors around this, without losing sight of the main objective and going cutesy, artsy or futuristic. Making it look nice should be the last consideration, not the first.

I love simple, easy to use and ‘clean design’ (something that also looks good). Oh and some design is so brilliant it takes my breath away. I am awed by those trying to solve the problems of our ever changing world, who are environmental and people sensitive. You know – improving our and our fellow creatures lives.

You probably already know what I am about to say – we don’t need another damn telephone, 10,000 Teslas, a wall, or more rockets and junk floating up in space! Our world needs help!

Great design comes from those who realize the fun part of designing is the process; the research, the prototypes, the puzzles that need to be solved, and that it is an ongoing process, the tweaking can be endless, there are always new advances in technology and materials, the purpose of items evolves too.

Great design is making something that actually improves peoples lives and our world.

Like tutorials, ask the right question first. What are the main function(s)/purpose(s)/consideration(s) of this thing? And then keep on asking.

Slow Hands

The times I really enjoy myself are when I am creating something; writing, drawing or photography because at those times I can work slowly and do something of quality instead of quantity.

The working world focuses on quantity at the expense of quality.  I think it is time, and wise, to get back to work based on quality.

We over produce.  Every day grocery stores throw out enough food to feed several cities.  There are huge automobile graveyards filled with brand new cars that no one can use.  Doctors allot 15 minutes or less to each patient.  There is no time to focus on one task and do it well, nor to take time.  There are unreasonable quotas and deadlines and for what?  Do we need to produce 10,000 Teslas in a week that there is no demand for?  Do we need to poison our land with chemicals to produce food we throw out?

We need to produce less.  Perhaps even take a lesson from some book publishers – create on demand.  That is, you order something and it is made for you, it does not exist until there is a demand for it. Talk about saving resources!  Do you know what happens to books that don’t sell in a bookstore?  They throw them out!  In the garbage!

We manufacture appliances and equipment so that they wear out in a short space of time so we have to buy new.  There is hype over the latest and greatest, new telephones and tablets every year – seriously – do we need that?  How many gizmos and gadgets do we use on those wasteful items?  Why such a big deal over electronic devices?  Devices that are difficult to recycle.  Telephones and cars and appliances were built to last not so long ago and were not over produced.

I read an article claiming we need more agricultural land and grow more crops because our population is growing.  We don’t need more agricultural land – we need to make better use of the crops we have – as in don’t grow so much and better distribute what we have – oh I know – politics!  Look what happened when Bob Geldof tried to feed the starving Ethiopians.  You should read his autobiography sometime (Is That It?)

Not so long ago the slow food movement began, advocating eating our meals more slowly, and actually enjoying the experience.  Well, I say we need a slow hands movement (I am not talking dirty, take your mind out of the gutter please).  I am advocating working for quality and not quantity.  Spending time talking to people and creating things of value that last.  Taking our time.  Not over producing for those fat cats called shareholders who demand more and more money.  Abolish quotas and deadlines.  Manufacture on demand.  Recycle everything.  Use our brains and talents, skills and experience, education and brilliance for saving our world and ourselves, and stop making more damn telephones, crap cars and junk.


Back in the mid 1980’s I was briefly part of a local group of activists that were at the time protesting the spraying of DDT on bananas.  I never went out to protest myself, but it was a mind blowing education on the chemicals in our food and environment. The leader of this group was often arrested for causing scenes in grocery stores.  It sounds funny now.

In those days, the way to effect change was to protest.  Yell, scream, wave banners and signs and just generally be a nuisance.  There were signed petitions. There were demonstrations.  Sometimes it made a difference, most often, not.  It only served to vent the frustrations of said protesters.

Petitioning the government or corporations was about the only way to make change.  And it seldom worked.

In the past protests were sometimes violent, and today that still holds true.  What did that ever do but get people arrested, hurt or killed? We don’t need violence, we need hands on action.

Demonstrations continue today, with much the same result.

Today, thankfully, many people are making things happen without demonstration.  We are creating change.  We are doing.

Activists need to be Actionists.  This is the only way to get things done.  Roll up your sleeves and get dirty.  Get out in the knee deep wastelands of plastic on beaches and clean it up.  

We have to stop wasting our talents and get out there!

Actionists include those who educate everyone on what is happening in our world.  Leaders that rally people to take action for causes.  The rich who buy medical equipment for hospitals, workers who clean up pollution, thinkers inventing new ways to better our lives (not just new telephones!) 

We need government leaders with balls, who make policy changes and laws that are “take no prisoners” type of legislation to stop pollution, poverty, crime and all our ills, instead of just passing a lot of hot air (and gas),  appeasing big corporations and pharma, and lining their own pockets by supporting their own interests.

My heroes are people like Boyan Slat who do something, quietly, without permission, without protest, without flair, but with passion and purpose.

In my own small way, through this blog, or for some unfortunate few in grocery stores (where I helpfully point out all the poisons in their favourite foods and products and try to persuade them to use something else) I am part of the solution.  I am always amazed at the number of people who are unaware of what they are consuming and using.  I am far from perfect but I try.

You can too.

Free For All

Because I am a dreamer I believe in free education and health care for everyone (including veterinary care for our animals).  How this could become possible under our current systems, I have no idea, but that does not change my beliefs.

Going through a medical ordeal myself, I see the awesome technology we have for diagnosis and treatment, and the sad reality of how that is doled out.  Progressively medicare favours those who can afford it, as opposed to those who need it.  Although not so prevalent in my more socialistic country, it is creeping in none-the-less.

We have a desperate need to teach people how to get along, how to treat animals and be respectful of our environment.  All forms of formal education fail us, and higher education is only for the elite.

Education and health care are moral and ethical necessities.

Just as is saving our environment.

No longer options.

We cannot afford to idle our time writing up yet another report or debating these issues.   We need to take action.  NOW.

Our leaders fail us.  Politicians are too busy being rock stars, spending our tax dollars on self glorification, public relations and personal money making interests.  Meanwhile our infrastructures are crumbling (roads, power stations, city buildings, etc.), pollution, sickness and poverty are rampant.  Most, if not all of this, totally fixable and preventable.  We have no excuses left.  We have the technology and brains to solve all our problems.  We just have to do it.

Fortunately, it is beginning.  People like Bill Gates and Boyan Slat are welcome vigilantes.  Governments serve their purpose as policy makers and law givers and I have no problem with having high standards we must adhere to.  But we can’t look to our leaders for action.  Action has to come from people.

Imagine a world where everyone is afforded medical diagnosis and treatment.  Where every one is educated (I don’t mean just formal education – I mean also learned in how to treat others, animals and the environment).

Imagine our environment pristine, no longer there to be ravaged, but to be enjoyed.  We are self sustaining.  No carbon foot print.


Free for All.

What’s in a Name?

Here’s a name you may not know, but you should – Boyan Slat.

Allow me to introduce him to you.

Someone has to do it.  That’s just it, is the first words he says.

This is a young man attempting to clean up our oceans while billionaires like Bezos, Musk and Branson send junk up into space to fuel their egos.

While brain dead politicians like Trump try to convince us there are no environmental problems.

But Mr. Slat can see for himself.  He had this vision, this passion, to clean up the plastic from our oceans as a teenager, and with great tenacity is making that dream come true as a young adult.

He’s had to solicit funding from uber rich slobs who will only fund such feats if there is dollars in it for them.  If the collected plastic can’t be recycled (and hence not generate any money) or the project fails, out they go.  They could care less about the environment.

As Mr. Slat states, the answers to our problems is not to go back to what we were.  Our technology has enabled us to live greatly improved lives and to live longer.  We now need to use that technology to save the environment, and hence ourselves so we can continue making our lives better.  Not only this, but to get to a point where we are self sustaining, so we no longer have to keep taking from nature – we are separate, and no longer causing such great harm.  What an awesome young person!

We have so many uber rich people in this world who could fund such projects to clean our air, water and land and many brilliant minds who could put their talents to better use than designing yet another damn telephone.

The time for debates and another 500 page report on environmental issues is OVER.  We have to stop listening to our politicians – this is the only thing they excel at – TALKING – endlessly and say nothing, and worse, do nothing.  We have to be vigilantes now, like Boyan Slat and take matters into our own hands and save the world and ourselves, by ourselves.

That 12 year clock is ticking down.