Well Here It Goes…

Yep, this is it, my first video blog of absolutely no consequence, about mostly nothing, just to get familiar with a new camera and a new way of doing things.

I deliberately did not edit it. I think it better looking kind of amateurish.

I had written a funny script, but life being what it is thwarted my following it, and I had to ad-lib my talking points. As I mosied around I encountered dogs who wished to sniff me out. Then a big garbage truck appeared and roared into my footage and clanged around containers.

It was a beautiful morning of -13 degrees with a nasty wind. The ground was mostly ice. I froze my fingers (you can’t use gloves on a touch screen) and the first three video takes, I had the camera on photo, not video.

I think it would have been funnier to watch me navigate all this.

Anyhow, have a look. Click on line below.

First video blog