Is a Degree Worthless?


Don’t equate a degree with employment potential.

It often does not match.

What counts is what you learned while getting your degree. Not what the degree is.

In my day, experience counted for a lot more than education. It was your education.

Now I would say, a good combination of both experience and education will make your life better. Not just for the money.

I had a lot of growing up to do when I quit my very secure, very well paying government job to pursue a Biology degree. To say I suffered a shock at that transition is an understatement. But it was the shakeup I needed. I was an emotional mess when I started university at the advanced age of 25. That experience matured me quite a bit and boy, did I need that.

It didn’t solve all my problems, but it set me on a better path in many ways.

And I NEVER made the money, nor had the security I had in that government job ever again.

I always had a lot less.

But what I gained mentally can never be equated with money.