Open to Life

I just read Olivia Newton Johns’ book Don’t Stop Believin’.

She has an incredible life. If there is a key to an awesome life, she holds it. That key goes beyond the talent and good looks she possesses. What came through her story is she always says YES to life. Whatever comes her way, she embraces it, never resists what is.

She is Zen!

Many of us are selectively open to some things in life, but actively resist most everything else. Resistance causes a lot of suffering. Resisting what is, is a sure way to get more of it!

Embracing life means you’ll get more life.

Simple. Profound. And so hard to do.

Now you know how I feel about people going off to woo woo land and unfortunately that is where Olivia is now, but it works for her and she is happy.

All I take from her book is to be more open to life, and say YES to it whenever I can, embrace what is now and stop resisting what is.


I watched an interview with Oprah about intention and the Law – it is all bullshit.

I love Oprah very much, she has done much good in this world, but I am sick of all this woo woo stuff, coming from anyone.

So called laws of the universe just don’t hold true for the vast majority of us, excepting maybe gravity. If the so called Law of Attraction and Intention worked, then most, if not all of us would have our fondest dreams. But life is NOT like this.

Laws in science often are over turned. There are no laws – only what our limited knowledge tells us now is the truth. It is often our own personal truth as opposed to universal truths. There are exceptions to every single thing we regard as truth.

These ways of being and doing work for some. Just like some diet fads work for some, or some fitness routines. One size does not fit all. Believing that it works for all, is setting yourself up for a lot of frustration.

I get very angry at evangelists expounding these ideas, they are NOT laws. These same people will beat you up when you fail – it is your fault if nothing happens because you did not believe enough. This is the same ploy religion uses and I hate it. It is not because you didn’t believe enough. It is not because you are hopelessly flawed and they are somehow better than you. Just stop that shit. It is just LIFE. Life is unpredictable. It goes where it wants. You have little or no control or say over it.

I have no idea why life is as it is. I have no answers or solutions or formulas. I only have what works for me. And I mostly know what doesn’t work for me, because I have never been able to find the magic bullet to fulfill my dreams. It seems as if life has me where it wants me.

Oh, I have been guilty of dreaming too that life is easy if you just have the right formula. It is bullshit.

The only thing I can say is that action will get you something more than doing nothing, and I believe strongly in that, because at least you did something and weren’t merely wishing. Experience as much as you can. Learn as much as you can. Stay away from woo woo land, and just wishing and hoping, it is all hype and will disappoint you. There are NO guarantees in life whatsoever no matter what you do. You can work your ass off and nothing happens. I do not know why. It just is.

Here is what I also know, since joy seems to be our main objective in life – just be yourself and don’t let others determine your path. Pursue your own interests and joys. There is no guarantee that your dreams will come true, there is no way to tell what the future holds. You can only live right now, and do what you can right now. Stop beating yourself up. If you are true to yourself at least you may have some joy, but maybe not. This is just life.

There is no happy money, no magic vibes, no matrix. I do not know what life is or why, but I know it does what it wants and we are not ever going to be privy to it.

Some ideas need to die. The Law of Attraction and Intention is one of them. It causes a lot of suffering.