Just as men got called out for their abusive behaviour towards women, now corporations are being set to task for their employment policies. Called out by women. Yay!
Yay! to Abigail Disney for starting to expose the lies us drudges all know but could never speak out. The smoke and mirrors bosses and companies ply us with to make themselves look good, make us work harder for less and fatten up shareholders and CEO’s wallets.
It is a movement that started before Abigail, but she is an unexpected source of support, she is lifting the fog, making people see clearly the truth about company tactics.
The old way of employment must be thrown out.
Regardless of your age or qualifications, if you do the work, you should be paid for it. It is obscene to have employees earn below the poverty line and reward CEO’s double digit millions just for showing up. What this means is that a lot more than that CEO’s bonus was made in profits and went to shareholders. A lot more money. And not any of that money was given to the people who actually earned it.
It is disgusting that us drudges have to prove ourselves over and over and over for mere crumbs, knowing that at any minute bosses can pull our life line and we can be let go. No matter how long we have worked, how faithful we have been, or how much abuse we have endured, we are expendable.
It was always presumed to be the employees fault for not earning enough, or advancing in the company. The old belief in working harder and longer will yield recognition and rewards, or getting more education equates to more pay. I have done both and received no extra compensation, nor recognition, only more duties and higher expectations of me.
There are tons of things about working as a drudge I could go on about, but I am just so happy to see some cracks forming in the foundation of old employment practices opening up. To see a new age dawning for the working person.
Meanwhile, Sally still plays the game in searching for employment as a senior: