I have not felt like posting anything lately, nor doing much of anything actually.
It’s a combination of doing school work (coding UGH! I hate it!), the absolutely s****ist winter we’ve had for decades, and of course – trump.
I have a lot to say about trump and all of what is happening. But I won’t. My sanity is at stake and let’s face it. I am a coward. I reserve my rants for my poor cats’ beleaguered ears.
The answer to our trouble with the south is in the hands of the people, mostly it is up to Americans to decide the fate of their country, and unfortunately, ours and the whole entire world as well. If they don’t step up to plate and deal with the dictator and oligarchs and other crazies, well, that is that, as they say. They know what to do. We have to wait for them to do it. But we will wait rather loudly I think. We have strong voices. Canadians are a hardy lot!
I don’t for a microsecond believe trump will get even a hairs width sliver of Canada, as we are united and we know how to fight – elbows up and all.
But it is exhausting and I don’t have a lot of energy left.
I think I’ll just go for a walk and freeze my face off.
Buy Canadian!