How did we ever go from the molehill (albeit a very serious one) of a pandemic of a deadly disease that we need to protect ourselves against (with social distancing, masks and vaccines) to a mountain, where this temporary situation is somehow going to result in a dystopian brave new world society?
Like holy cow. What the F?
Seriously people, you need to stick to what is really going on and address that. Not let your colourful imaginations take you down bottomless rabbit holes.
We have to surrender freedoms in this case in order to stay alive.
It is not complicated.
We have a zillion rules and regulations which we must abide by to stay healthy. We have building codes so that our dwellings don’t fall down. Automobile laws so we are safe when we drive. Food inspectors so we don’t die eating at a restaurant. We need vaccines to go on vacations to foreign lands. All these things are to protect us.
A lot of rules and regulations we have because people can’t think for themselves, and often prove that they are a lawless mob, quite eager to infringe on the rights of others to get their way.
We have laws to protect ourselves from the lawless. We have to do this.
I’m not going to debate about whether this is right or wrong in the long term. It is what makes our society work right now, until we find something better.
Yes, sometimes we need to question things, but when you do, for God sake, think about what you are questioning.
And it is not all about YOU. Not everyone agrees with you. You don’t speak for everyone, maybe not even a few of us.