John Cleese when asked why he went to the United States, replied, he had vowed that once he was able, to never be cold again.
I too have made that vow, but have not had the success of Cleese to do it.
Instead, I have an indoor winter coat.
It was once an outdoor winter coat, but being white, it looked terrific for about a month and then needed some serious cleaning.
So I retired it to where it would stay clean but still have purpose. To wear in my drafty apartment, where there are so many places the air gets in, it is like a sieve.
Living in a sieve is not so bad in the summer, I do not need air conditioning. I love my apartment because I have a big balcony and a very soothing view. But, damn, is it cold in here in the winter!
I have taken all the drastic measures to keep a north wind out; sealing the windows with plastic and tape, stuffing them with towels, blocking them with foam board and finally covering them with heavy duty curtains. I do what I can. The indoor temperature seldom gets above 70F, it hovers around 62-65 no matter what I do, usually for several months.
So I have my indoor winter coat.
You do what you have to do. I like where I am, but if I could afford better, I would – providing it has a nice balcony and view!