My cat Sam can play the same game for hours and repeat this every day and find the same joy each time. Sure, he is excited for the odd treat or a new toy, but everlasting happiness comes from what he likes best and does the most.
The continual happy feeling I have during the day is a result of morning routines I perform. These give me a joy that lasts all day. These routines are things I love to do, that contribute to my well being. They are not the things I must do, or things I deplore. I make sure I do what I love first. I treat myself very well before I go to work.
Something unexpected can bring a surge of joy most of us crave, but it is fleeting. Everlasting joy comes from a daily structure that ensures you put yourself first before you must sacrifice yourself for others.
That is why getting up very early is so beneficial. It gives you a block of time to do your joy and does not take away anything from others. While everyone else is asleep you are doing something special, just for you. What a big difference this will make to your entire life.
It affords you to get your dreams. A half hour every morning will finish your novel, complete that university degree, get you back in shape. All before all your have too’s for the rest of the day. All before anyone else is awake!
There are three rules to this. This half hour must be your hearts desire, something you truly want. It must not disturb anyone else – like playing the tuba at 4 a.m. – um, that doesn’t work (but you can practice the finger keys or learn how to read music). And, it can’t be negative. If what you desire is to destroy or to hurt anyone or anything then forget it. Stay in bed.
What we forget in our busy working lives is to take care of ourselves. If we are constantly looking after others and other things, eventually we have nothing left to give.
Give yourself to something that is just for you, at least one half hour, first thing in the morning and watch the transformation that happens to the rest of your day.
And buy yourself some roses.