Buy Canadian

I love my country. We are a nation that is strong on community. We care about one another, the world and our environment. I know that we prefer to be friendly and accommodating, but we are being forced to take a stand and protect ourselves against a bully.

I was bullied as a young girl, so I know that you must fight back, especially when no one is going to help you.

I spent part of my life in the hippie generation, and another part in the punk rock generation. Both had the same values of justice, peace, love and happiness, but approached these in radically different ways. The hippies were laid back and mostly held peaceful protests, the punks were in your face, loud and aggressive. But we all wanted the same thing – to be heard, and our grievances be taken seriously and acted upon. We wanted justice, fairness, equality and all the things that make us a community.

I carry those same values to this day, but I see that we need to blend the peaceful with the aggressive and find a non-violent way of fighting for our values and ultimately for the preservation of our country.

I ask that whenever you can, buy Canadian products. Even if it means giving up a favourite brand for a while, or trying something new, or even purchasing used. It is not an act of vengeance against our neighbours. It is preservation.

A strong economy protects a country against threats. Without that we cannot even defend ourselves militarily.

Focusing on what it means to be Canadian will strengthen us, make us more resilient in the face of threats and change, and much more independent. We are a great country. We must make a supreme effort now to stay that way.

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