There is only one way to overcome these nasty winter blues (or any depression for that matter). No it is not cookies, although I do admit, they help in a pinch.
Nope, the only way to beat the blahs is to try something new. Yep. Get out, even it is really cold out, go some place new.
Go for a walk, with your camera.

Go to the mall and try being really nice; talk to an elderly person sitting all alone. Purchase someones groceries for them, take someone out for lunch. Even if you get rejected it’ll be a new experience! Maybe even give you a laugh – later on. Maybe much later on . . . ahem. Just don’t take rejection personally. Some people are more nasty or depressed than you! At least you got out for a while.
If the great outdoors makes you shiver by just looking at your boots in the vestibule, and the thought of digging your car out of the snow, or worse, waiting for the bus (ugh, don’t get me started on that!) then do an indoor activity. If you can’t overcome the revulsion of being outside, cold and possibly wet too, then you have my permission to stay inside! But don’t just hang around and annoy the cat.
If you really want to do nothing, then meditate. You’ll probably fall asleep. I usually do.
But to break the self pity party scene you will have to do something that gets your nose out of your navel.
Take a free on-line course in something you never heard of before or know absolutely zip about.
Watch a movie or read a book that you thought would never interest you. Pick a subject that is new. Listen to music you never heard. Get out of your comfort zone.
Try a craft you have never done before. Make something for the animals in Australia.
Doodle. Draw or write something silly.
This is a good practice all the year.
Learn, experience and grow.
But cookies are still a good substitute when you really can’t get out.
Shortbread with a big pot of tea. With a good book. While the storm rages outside.