Open to Life

I just read Olivia Newton Johns’ book Don’t Stop Believin’.

She has an incredible life. If there is a key to an awesome life, she holds it. That key goes beyond the talent and good looks she possesses. What came through her story is she always says YES to life. Whatever comes her way, she embraces it, never resists what is.

She is Zen!

Many of us are selectively open to some things in life, but actively resist most everything else. Resistance causes a lot of suffering. Resisting what is, is a sure way to get more of it!

Embracing life means you’ll get more life.

Simple. Profound. And so hard to do.

Now you know how I feel about people going off to woo woo land and unfortunately that is where Olivia is now, but it works for her and she is happy.

All I take from her book is to be more open to life, and say YES to it whenever I can, embrace what is now and stop resisting what is.

On Hold

Bruce Lee said “Choose a path with heart.” Very wise.

I recently read a book by a well meaning person, on how to become a millionaire by the time you are 30 or so, and then pursue your dreams. This sounds feasible to a young mind when you are healthy and energetic. Oh, but how quickly life can snatch away your life and abilities. At any age.

I suppose if you don’t have a passion or an interest, then by all means, go for the money. Just do good with it however.

Though I don’t disagree that life is not so great when you lack money, I do disagree with putting your passions on hold, or watering them down until you are rich enough to do them full time.

For one thing, there is no guarantee in life that you will live long, be able or be rich, no matter what you do.

For another, one persons get rich methods don’t always work for others. There is no one solution that fits all. And luck always plays a role in what happens. Always.

You should pursue your dreams when you are young. This is when you are most physically and mentally able and hopefully have many years ahead of you to learn, grow, perfect your craft, and evolve into other new and exciting passions. It is so much easier to do this when you are young and fresh. It makes life an adventure and a whole lot more interesting.

Some careers cannot be put on hold. You cannot become a surgeon after you are 35, and you certainly can’t pursue that part time.

I would never ever tell someone to pursue a meaningless, boring, soul sucking career just to maybe be rich enough to quit it by middle age. UGH. Are you kidding me?

You cannot determine what you want to do with your life based on money alone. We are already in a crisis with passionless people who did just this and are now our non compassionate doctors, greedy seedy lawyers and the lot.

Imagine if everyone quit their jobs at 35 and just sat around. Is this even feasible?

Or if people only did careers that brought them the best bang for their tuition.

When people enjoy their jobs, they enjoy their life and make the world a happier place. Have you ever dealt with someone who hated their job – like a surly waitress, and unkind clerk, an uncaring receptionist, a non helpful manager?

I am not saying being rich is bad. Never. I would like to be rich! But I want to be doing something I love, something that is honest, true to me, so I am happy. When I am happy, automatically I benefit the world.

Don’t put your life on hold. Life can be way too short – or way too long – before you do what you want.

Hippie Wisdom

Three older women dressed as hippies; headbands, peace symbols, suede fringed vests and flowered bell bottoms, were having a blast doing a photo shoot in the mall yesterday at one of those specialty photo booths, where for a price you can be anyone and get a photo to prove it.

I stopped to watch because my head has been in the 60’s and 70’s lately.

I am on vacation and doing a lot of reflecting back on my life, and I had a moment of hippie sappiness.

My life up to this point is meaningless and pointless, a common realization to most who have lived past the age of 50 or so. But the hippie sappiness came when I remembered that the only thing that gives life meaning is love.

I know, break out the Beatles records!

Work is tedium, boring and meaningless. I am just a worker bee, like countless millions of others, serving the machine, making the select few rich. Most of us work for the ‘machine’ which enslaves us with debt and never rewards us for being good or working hard at anything. It promises us if we behave and conform and do more then maybe we can be more. A promise that fails to deliver.

The only parts of my life that were not a continual grey are those times I experienced love. It is love that brings colour to our existence.

Being in love is like taking a deep breath of fresh spring air. You expand and grow. Love is the only thing worth living for.

If you focus on anything else, your world will become very small, you will contract into a very tight ball.

I once met the happiest man in the world. He drove a tow truck, worked in a garage, not much money, hard hard work, long hours. His life had a lot of drama. However, he positively beamed when he talked about his wife and kids. He told me then, a long time ago where I should put my heart. He had his priorities right. I should have listened.

Love is everything. Family. Friends.

All else is nothing.


If I had my way, then all women who find themselves in the all too familiar predicament lately of being 50+, divorced or single, unemployed or underemployed, perhaps with some developing health issues, and not much money, would be helped.

Our old way of doing things is coming to an end. Our old ways of getting work and supporting ourselves is changing.

Help would come in the form of transitioning into this new way of being.

Of course, it concerns money. Everything is about money now. And NO it is not about lending money. It is about giving with no expectation of financial payback. Especially with interest. Gee whiz.

What I would like to see is free education for these women, so they can transition into a new way of supporting themselves. They could take higher education and get a new career, develop craftsman skills and apprentice. Be taken in and mentored in a field they would enjoy. There would be money to start a new business, and funding to help supply housing and food while making a transition.

So many women have so much to offer but are being ignored by the traditional way of finding work. These women have to reinvent themselves at a time when it can be most difficult to do so, usually for lack of funds and health issues. Many are caring for aging parents and children returning home.

There is a wealth of experience and knowledge many women have to offer to a world desperately in need of such counselling. We need to find ways to open doors for this knowledge to be tapped and used.

I realize that this is not for everyone, and there should be no pressure for someone to change. However, for those who do want to, then we should make it easy for them to do so, so they can get back out into the world and make a positive contribution. We are wasting a valuable resource when our world is in desperate trouble. A world that needs intelligent and compassionate solutions to enormous problems.

We can no longer rely on or trust our politicians or governments to do the right thing. They have their own selfish agendas and the money seldom wanders far from their own pockets and interests. What needs to be done in the world will have to be done by individuals helping one another. People who will take on the issues that our elected officials and governments are supposed to do and find ways to do it ourselves.

Poverty In Our Own Room

In this world of an ever increasing divide between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have nots, we tend not to notice that poverty can be right in our own rooms.

The people we work with.

Our friends.


How many wealthy bosses and business owners, world leaders and politicians don’t even notice the sometimes wide spread poverty of their own employees or constituents or worse, don’t even care. Many have been rich a long time and have no understanding on any level of what it means to struggle financially. To not be able to pay bills, make ends meet, save money. To not have any future.

There is a failure to see that poverty is not just the masses of people living in horrific conditions elsewhere in the world. It is right under our noses.

Poverty is on the increase in our country, not just for the unemployed and seniors, but prevalent in the working masses. Single parents forced to sleep at work because they are homeless. People walking for miles to work because they can’t afford transportation. People without heat or electricity or water – right here in our own country. What about people who are wiped out by hurricanes, fires or ill health who have no “emergency fund” or insurance. The “emergency fund” and buying insurance by the way, are just clever ploys to make us think financial difficulties are our fault (good luck trying to collect from insurance when you need it too). The real problem is low wages and the resulting debt load (how the F can you put money away for a ‘crisis’ or afford insurance, when you can’t put food on the table). How can your wages compete with runaway inflation (look at the cost of food, housing and transportation-out of control and caused by greed).

Totally disgusting that many states and provinces have blocked the increase of minimum wages. Corporations, governments and banks have enslaved the majority of the population with debt. Debt is no longer a symptom of overspending on luxuries, that was back in more prosperous days – now it is a necessity in order to survive.

For want of sometimes a very small sum of money, a person cannot go forward in life, or worse, loses what little they have. Even if the rich do help, they want pay back, with interest.

Gone are the days – long gone are the days, when if you just work hard enough, get more education or kiss the bosses ass, you’ll be a success. Now you have to kiss the bosses ass just to survive.

Many of us will have to keep on working long past the point where we are physically and mentally able. Probably many are at that point now.

My Mom always said, charity begins at home. And we have a big problem, right here at home.

The answer to poverty in our own room is just that. Charity begins at home. We can no longer turn to our governments or politicians for help as they are greedy and self serving (politicians are just wannabe rock stars and governments serve big corporations). No, it is happening in the hearts and minds of ordinary people.

People rally together to help those in need. When we are made aware, we take action. Look at the website Sunny Skyz and you will see all kinds of people doing all kinds of acts of kindness that make huge differences in peoples lives.

A pair of shoes. A blanket. Another chance at life.

We can no longer look up to the big wigs, the bosses, the politicians, the corporations, the uber rich. We have to do it ourselves – and we are. In even small ways, every day, we can change the world into a much better place.

Our governments and world leaders fail us. They are not interested in our welfare or the worlds. Most of our leaders are self serving or dictators. The more we realize this, the more we can fix things ourselves. Right here in our own rooms.


I watched an interview with Oprah about intention and the Law – it is all bullshit.

I love Oprah very much, she has done much good in this world, but I am sick of all this woo woo stuff, coming from anyone.

So called laws of the universe just don’t hold true for the vast majority of us, excepting maybe gravity. If the so called Law of Attraction and Intention worked, then most, if not all of us would have our fondest dreams. But life is NOT like this.

Laws in science often are over turned. There are no laws – only what our limited knowledge tells us now is the truth. It is often our own personal truth as opposed to universal truths. There are exceptions to every single thing we regard as truth.

These ways of being and doing work for some. Just like some diet fads work for some, or some fitness routines. One size does not fit all. Believing that it works for all, is setting yourself up for a lot of frustration.

I get very angry at evangelists expounding these ideas, they are NOT laws. These same people will beat you up when you fail – it is your fault if nothing happens because you did not believe enough. This is the same ploy religion uses and I hate it. It is not because you didn’t believe enough. It is not because you are hopelessly flawed and they are somehow better than you. Just stop that shit. It is just LIFE. Life is unpredictable. It goes where it wants. You have little or no control or say over it.

I have no idea why life is as it is. I have no answers or solutions or formulas. I only have what works for me. And I mostly know what doesn’t work for me, because I have never been able to find the magic bullet to fulfill my dreams. It seems as if life has me where it wants me.

Oh, I have been guilty of dreaming too that life is easy if you just have the right formula. It is bullshit.

The only thing I can say is that action will get you something more than doing nothing, and I believe strongly in that, because at least you did something and weren’t merely wishing. Experience as much as you can. Learn as much as you can. Stay away from woo woo land, and just wishing and hoping, it is all hype and will disappoint you. There are NO guarantees in life whatsoever no matter what you do. You can work your ass off and nothing happens. I do not know why. It just is.

Here is what I also know, since joy seems to be our main objective in life – just be yourself and don’t let others determine your path. Pursue your own interests and joys. There is no guarantee that your dreams will come true, there is no way to tell what the future holds. You can only live right now, and do what you can right now. Stop beating yourself up. If you are true to yourself at least you may have some joy, but maybe not. This is just life.

There is no happy money, no magic vibes, no matrix. I do not know what life is or why, but I know it does what it wants and we are not ever going to be privy to it.

Some ideas need to die. The Law of Attraction and Intention is one of them. It causes a lot of suffering.

Two Holidays

As I get close to my annual holidays I feel like an old ship that has been out to sea a very long time and has been battling hurricanes non stop. Now without any power left, I coast into shore with only the currents and wind to guide me.

Every year the distance between annual holidays seems to get farther, longer, and a lot more painful.

To think, the younger version of myself often skipped annual vacations and took the pay instead!

We have just passed the first day of summer and now I long to be sitting in the long grass, watching the bugs and birds and whatever. Summer days can be mesmerizing and brings out the laziest parts of me.

As I look forward to a rest, I want to remind everyone to do the same. Take a break. Listen to the birds. Watch the clouds. See the big picture.

If you’re a planner like me, stop. Don’t plan anything and just let one day become the next. It will do you so much good to stop being your own worst enemy, and possibly everyone else’s too!

You don’t have to be anywhere, or do anything, or be anyone for a few short little weeks of the year. You don’t have to make big decisions (and shouldn’t), be zen or learn a new skill, develop yourself or seek a new career. You don’t have to be zip lining, cycling 100 km a day, or organizing an event. Turn yourself off.

I believe everyone should have 2 major holidays a year. One as described above, where you turn it all off and a second one where you turn yourself on – experience something new, go somewhere, try something. We need both in order to be healthy.

Forgotten Generation

It is pretty disgusting how we treat seniors in our so called great continent, North America.

They are the forgotten generation.

We are a youth orientated culture, and have totally dismissed our elders. They are forced to live in poverty and without adequate medical attention. These are the same people who raised great children, who contributed to society in countless and selfless ways. They have paid their dues a thousand times over in support of this country.

It is not their fault they have medical issues, this is the law of nature, all animals gradually break down and die. If you live a long time your body feels the effects. When you get old you cannot do what you did when you were young. And you should not be expected too.

All people 70 and older should have FREE medicare. FREE transportation. FREE housing. They should not have to pay taxes on anything. Is it not disgusting they have to pay tax on their meager pensions?! We should be ashamed of how we treat our elders. While you are working you can afford to pay taxes; you get to purchase what you need and want and enjoy your life. And don’t forget, you too, if you live long enough will be old and faced with maybe a worse scenario than what now exists. It is outrageous to think you can save for your retirement when interest rates are in the toilet (but the banks are hauling it in let me tell you) and wages are not much better, especially for women. Whoo boy! Women have it the hardest. They earn less. They have many non-earning years (raising children). They live longer. They have more health issues. They have less savings and ability to save since they often take care of aging parents.

It is very hard to keep working, even part time when you get old, even when you are in good health. Young people don’t understand this. You getting f’in tired!

I hate the flippant attitude regarding the idea of generating a second income for seniors. Not all second income ventures are successful and can cost a lot of money to set up. They can be a tremendous amount of work and cause much worry. You never read about all the ones that have failed. It is for a lot of people a pipe dream. You set up a website and the money just comes to you. Yeah, bullshit.

It is our responsibility to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, financially or otherwise. This is a filthy rich nation, we have no excuse. It would not cost that much money to ensure our seniors live comfortable, productive lives. We have that money. No, not to take more from the already struggling masses, but what about those who brag about their billions and spend it on useless crap like rockets, telephones and more cars! Oops there I go again! Or leaders who use our tax money (billions!) to live upscale, travel, bolster themselves, create wars, have parades or paint airplanes (sorry!)

I am sick of seeing seniors living in survival mode. Nickel and diming their way through each and every day. Not getting the care and attention they require. I am sick of seeing older people dismissed when they have so much wisdom and experience to share, that this world so desperately needs.

Now Is Not The Time

This weekend is the first time in what seems like a year that we have had nice weather. The kind of weather where you sit out and do nothing.

So now is not the time for me to rant, contemplate the ills of the world, and heaven forbid, write about them.

This is a weekend to celebrate life and all the good things about it.

The sun, the fresh air, the cloudless sky. Sit and watch my flowers grow.

So that is what I did.

With the cat of course.

I hope you did too.

Where Does It Start?

I got bent out of shape this week over a certain governments decision to lower the minimum wage, and stop overtime pay for teenage workers. I was even more upset by the support this received.

On many levels, this is just plain wrong. And stupid.

First of all, this is blatant discrimination, not that this is anything new in companies. They pay women less, ethnic groups less, seniors less. Why not teenagers too?

If you do the work, you should be paid for it.

Everyone jumps to the conclusion such a move will benefit small business. These types of decisions are not for small business. This is to win support from big business, after all, they are the ones who monetarily support politicians and hire most of the labour.

Most definitely these same companies are not cash strapped or too poor to pay people. They use the money saved from paying their employees to lavish CEO’s and shareholders with millions upon millions of dollars they did nothing for.

Politicians pull the ‘help small business’ bullshit card because people automatically root for the underdog. They forget who does most of the hiring; it is the Walmarts, Canadian Tires, Tim Hortons and the like. They are the ones who really benefit.

Having employees and despising that fact is common in all business. It is a version of the Fawlty Towers syndrome; this hotel would run smoothly if we didn’t have customers – this business would be rich if we didn’t have employees – better yet, have them and not pay them!

Kings and Queens, Lords and Emperors and the like from the beginning of time figured this one out – it is called slavery.

How prevalent and accepted it still is in our affluent societies. Many beautiful creations of human kind have been built from slavery. Is this something we should be proud of and continue?

Lowering minimum wage is one thing, but perhaps the most devious part of this plan is to not pay for overtime. Wow, you know what that means. If you do not do overtime when they ask, and they will demand it because they don’t have to pay you more, you will be terminated. They will need more employees to do overtime because they will hire less. This is the law of the land for most retail – do as we say or you are replaced, the bottom line is always money. Oh, I could go on about retail! We don’t have to pay you shit, we can work you till you drop and then, next!

Such seemingly little policies like lowering minimum wage and not paying overtime for teenagers can soon infiltrate a larger populace, namely the adult worker.

What is the real reason we have poverty in this world – especially in our own filthy rich country? Where does it start? Right here.