Life is not all about making deals. There are many things we do in life that are not mere monetary transactions. Life is way more than that.
I find ‘the art of’ not paying your bills and taxes and then demanding that everyone pay you for anything you give them is a stunning hypocrisy. It is not something to be proud of and proclaim to all the world you are some sort of hero because you stiff everyone. (There are better words to describe you). On the most basic level it does not even make sense. You pay your bills and taxes because you receive goods or services that cost someone else to provide. This should be pretty evident. A person, economy and society cannot survive otherwise. Money has to flow. It cannot be hoarded by one individual or country, otherwise everything comes to a standstill.
I also find negotiating charity absolutely absurd, if not insane. There is no expected payback for compassion and empathy. Charity is not a deal.
I knew a woman who demanded her daughter pay her back for the great life and education she gave her. She even insisted that girl give her 10% of her wages in pay back. I think that mother very unclear of the concept of being a parent to say the least.
Life is not a series of contracts and transactions. It is not a business. There are aspects that are, but JC, surely we have more depth than that.
To expect someone in need to pay you back for helping them is the height of hypocrisy. And to demand the world award you for helping the helpless is nauseating and disgusting.
At the global level, the idea of reciprocity can be a thin veneer for out and out theft of one over another. I think some countries are very unclear of the concept of aid. Allies not helping each other on the world stage is reckless and dangerous. It is cruel and unfathomably shortsighted. Politics is a lot more than pro quid pro. It can be alarmingly FAFO.
If you adhere to these ‘art of the deal’ attitudes, you are nothing short of a monster.
The most successful people, business, countries and institutions are those who genuinely care and understand that many things in life you do for love, moral and ethical obligations, and adherence to democratic law. You do certain things for the betterment of all, humans, animals, the world and the environment. Not just for yourself.
I find it shocking that I even have to write about this and remind people to think more globally and less singular.
Our world is teetering on the brink of World War Three because some believe things are all the art of a deal, that everyone owes them.
And we will all pay for this.