Jiminy Cricket

I recently watched Pinocchio, not for the story, it is too traumatizing (I don’t know how I watched this without being upset as a kid – it upset me as an adult!) but for the incredible animation and graphics that, considering how it was painstakingly made, by hand, makes it awesome.

I hadn’t seen this movie since my youth, which is, ahem, quite a while ago. I loved Jiminy Cricket. I had a little model of him, and bought a slightly bigger one a few years ago to sit on my desk.

Happy little fellow isn’t he?

Well, I discovered my little friend here was a bit of a sexist! He put his hand on a dolls behind (he apologized for that, but only because he was embarrassed), he made a lewd remark to a dancing doll, and with eyes bursting through binoculars, ogled some marionette dolls doing the can can!


So much for being the epitome of conscience! I think your gold star is a bit tarnished!

Now mind you, in 1940 this was considered quite normal behaviour. It was a bit jarring to encounter it in 2023. However – such behaviour, unfortunately, is still very much alive in today’s society. I hate to admit that.

But I still love you Jiminy, though I would never date you!