Shocks to the System

Getting old is just one shock to the system after another.

I write this because I am mad about the judgement placed on seniors about their abilities.

The seniors you read about that run marathons and stuff like that, are the extreme exception to the rule. I hate that younger people think all seniors are physically and mentally capable of such feats, and are therefore lazy.

This is a huge big lie, and you need to get that out of your head. We cannot do what we once were able to. It is not a matter of not wanting to. It is a truth we are not able. And NO, seventy is not the new forty. Stop that shit.

I was athletic and healthy all my life. I ate well, took care of myself, was never way overweight. I ran 10K’s. I cycled thousands of kilometers. I danced. I went to the gym and lifted weights four or more days a week. I went canoeing, paddleboarding, hiking. I was fit. No major diseases.

And then I got old and I can do NONE of that now.

If you live long enough, you are going to start to fall apart. I don’t care who you are. It will happen to you. Usually in bits and pieces, one shock after another, but sometimes in one big shock.

And it is not just your body. Your brain is tired. You are not as quick. You cannot endure eight or more hours of brain work at a go. You need a lot of rest.

It does not matter what you do, it will happen to you.

That is why we need guaranteed income when we are old. We can no longer earn it, and we have a lot of expenses that young people don’t have. It is costly to stay alive and have a good quality of life.

We have contributed our lives and sometimes our very souls to the world of work and community during our time here, not to mention, raising you young people and providing you with shelter, food and opportunity for a good life.

Cut us some slack.

Senior Employees

I think one of the possibly many reasons companies don’t hire seniors is this.

They are wise.

They are wise to all the tricks and manipulations bosses try to pull to make their employees work longer and harder for less, and all manner of degrading and belittling mind games that reduce employees to begging slaves.

Senior employees are not there to climb the ladder, so they don’t play those games. They’ve been there and done that a hundred times.

I think bosses are more interested in their own power than the good of the company.

Their loss.

70 is NOT the new 65

Anyone who says 70 is the new 65 is not even close to being 65 yet.

My health started to give me attitude in my late 50’s despite me being athletic, active, eating healthy and all the rest.

It is called aging.

I think we are developing a dangerous skewered view of aging that is similar to the warped view of entrepreneurship when you are old.

The media highlights the success stories, which gives us the idea that all you need to do is work at it and you can stay healthy and young forever.

I agree that ‘working at it’ increases the odds in your favor to be healthy as you grow older, but it is not a guarantee. Yes, you should do all you can – but when you get older, your body WILL have other ideas, no matter what you do. It slows down, it loses ability and agility, it gets ill, it dies. I have seen so many people in denial about this who torture themselves to cheat death.

Society has bought into this New Age crap about mind over matter, positive thinking and all that shit, and it is causing us to be more youth orientated than ever. We have a very flippant and unforgiving attitude towards aging that is doing serious harm to the elderly.

It is an unfortunate lie to presume that aging is all in your head – that it is just a number. It is not. Your body wears out. You cannot do what you could at 20, 30 or even 40.

Look at the real world, how many seniors can you truthfully say are younger in body than in age? We only hear about the exceptions, the ones who defy aging – they are in the minority. The truth is not so rosy.

The dangerous part of this thinking is that it could set in motion policies designed to cut out or delay necessary help for the aged, namely medicare, pensions, government assistance. Saying that 70 is the new 65 implies that all seniors are able to keep on working and take care of themselves, this is so far, far from the truth.

Equally so is the fallacy that when you are old you can just start over when you are cast out of your job and deemed redundant. Many do not have the resources to do this, nor the energy or health. It costs a lot of money, time and energy to start your own gig, and if it fails, like most of them do, seniors have no way of recovering what they have lost. Even to keep working 8 hours or more a day, 5 days a week takes a hell of a toll on an older person. They can’t keep it up.

The truth about aging is this: Our bodies deteriorate, no matter what. We cannot do as much as we used to. Our ability to recover from loss; mentally, physically, financially is almost ZERO.

Before I got sick, I used to think the same way, that aging was all in your head. That I could keep on forever working hard, playing hard and doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. But it is a lie.

Aging is not a disease. It is not something you can outsmart, overcome or out do. And you will need help, of some kind, in your later years because you cannot function as you did when you were younger.

My Mother always warned me that I should save enough money because I will get tired. Of course I did not believe her. And anyone in good health younger than 60 reading this will not believe her either. Nowadays you could never save enough money anyways.

Take a good look at those older folks who are celebrities, or successful. Are they doing it on their own? NO. They have staff that does a lot of things for them, that is how they can stay active doing what they love. When they get sick, they get instant attention and the best care. Do most seniors have that luxury?

My Mother got to live in her own place well into her nineties, but this was not because her body was healthy like a 40 year old. It was because she had an awful lot of help. This is reality. Ask anyone who is currently taking care of an aging relative.

It is not right or fair to ask or expect an older person to continue doing what they did when younger. We must ensure that our aging population is taken care of. It is not their fault that they get old, sick and die. It is mother nature.

So stop waving the flag that 70 is the new 65. It is total bullshit.

Forgotten Generation

It is pretty disgusting how we treat seniors in our so called great continent, North America.

They are the forgotten generation.

We are a youth orientated culture, and have totally dismissed our elders. They are forced to live in poverty and without adequate medical attention. These are the same people who raised great children, who contributed to society in countless and selfless ways. They have paid their dues a thousand times over in support of this country.

It is not their fault they have medical issues, this is the law of nature, all animals gradually break down and die. If you live a long time your body feels the effects. When you get old you cannot do what you did when you were young. And you should not be expected too.

All people 70 and older should have FREE medicare. FREE transportation. FREE housing. They should not have to pay taxes on anything. Is it not disgusting they have to pay tax on their meager pensions?! We should be ashamed of how we treat our elders. While you are working you can afford to pay taxes; you get to purchase what you need and want and enjoy your life. And don’t forget, you too, if you live long enough will be old and faced with maybe a worse scenario than what now exists. It is outrageous to think you can save for your retirement when interest rates are in the toilet (but the banks are hauling it in let me tell you) and wages are not much better, especially for women. Whoo boy! Women have it the hardest. They earn less. They have many non-earning years (raising children). They live longer. They have more health issues. They have less savings and ability to save since they often take care of aging parents.

It is very hard to keep working, even part time when you get old, even when you are in good health. Young people don’t understand this. You getting f’in tired!

I hate the flippant attitude regarding the idea of generating a second income for seniors. Not all second income ventures are successful and can cost a lot of money to set up. They can be a tremendous amount of work and cause much worry. You never read about all the ones that have failed. It is for a lot of people a pipe dream. You set up a website and the money just comes to you. Yeah, bullshit.

It is our responsibility to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, financially or otherwise. This is a filthy rich nation, we have no excuse. It would not cost that much money to ensure our seniors live comfortable, productive lives. We have that money. No, not to take more from the already struggling masses, but what about those who brag about their billions and spend it on useless crap like rockets, telephones and more cars! Oops there I go again! Or leaders who use our tax money (billions!) to live upscale, travel, bolster themselves, create wars, have parades or paint airplanes (sorry!)

I am sick of seeing seniors living in survival mode. Nickel and diming their way through each and every day. Not getting the care and attention they require. I am sick of seeing older people dismissed when they have so much wisdom and experience to share, that this world so desperately needs.


Sally Sixty Something

I made this cartoon for a friend who is struggling to be employed again after being dumped for a younger version of herself after years of loyal, untarnished service.

I don’t care how much training you got in school, what school you went to, how many scholarships and awards you gained, how good your grades were or how handsome/beautiful and sexy you are. NOTHING beats experience.

If you leave your place of business exclusively in the hands of the young, soon you will flounder.

When I was twenty something I thought I knew everything. As a senior, I realize I did not know much at all.

To be a successful company, you need a blend of young and old on your staff. The young can put in the hours, they are keen, they are quick, they know cutting edge technology.

But WISDOM comes from the ones who have been around the block a few times.

Yes, at times you need to move fast, but on those big decisions, you need someone to put on the brakes and think things through.

You also need someone to mentor your young.

Once, when I was only in my early fifties and applying for a job I got this response, that I have heard many times since, which is totally ridiculous “We really want someone with your experience, but we were hoping for someone younger…”

Well, guess what? You can’t have both.

So put away all your youthful boasting and bravado, and allow a senior on your staff. Let him or her work whatever hours they want, and be open to their counsel. It might just save your ass.

My Stuff, Your Stuff

A white shoe box was tucked securely under her arm, slightly crushed from a tight squeeze.

“Can you keep this for me for a couple of months?” she hands me the box, the lid askew.

“Sure.” Having worked for ten years at this Seniors Centre, I was used to strange requests.

She pulled up a chair in front of my desk and collapsed into it.

“Oh thank you!” she sighed heavily.  “My daughter is cleaning out my apartment and is throwing everything away!” and then she burst into tears.

Mementoes.  Keepsakes.  Things of interest.

All gone.

Except for the shoe box.

Inside she shows me some black & white photos of her late husband.  His war medals.  A picture of her as a decorated war nurse.  Trinkets and souvenirs from vacations.  Things that had memory and meaning.  Bits of this and that.  She runs her hand over the lid as she closes it and smiles at me.

“It’s just about all I’ve got left” she gasps.

I offer to save more for her if she wants.

“No.  No, it’ll be fine.  That’s enough”.

It is not the first time I’ve heard of daughters on a house cleaning rampage.  They mean well.

My Mother had a lot of stuff.  It wasn’t junk or dirt or a mess.  Her apartment was filled with pleasant memories and interesting things.  There was no reason for me to have a fit and clean things out.  I didn’t live there.  It was her stuff and her place.  Just as I have my stuff, and my place.  After all, she had decades more years of memories and things representing those experiences than me.  Such things are like old friends and very comforting.  They made her feel safe.  When it came time for her to let go of things, and move into a home, I let her choose what meant the most to her to keep.  She requested that I keep some things.  Just knowing I had them was a great comfort to her.

Months later this woman retrieved her shoe box and held it lovingly in her arms.

“My daughter moved me into a seniors home” she lamented.  “I only have room for this”.

When we’ve got more years behind us than ahead, we take delight in things past.  What is wrong with surrounding ourselves with the things that remind us of a life well lived?  The young show off their trophies of places they’ve been and photographs of things they’ve seen to impress others.  We have emotional ties to our trinkets and treasures that provide us with a feeling of home, security and love.  We realize such things have little if any meaning to anyone else and we don’t expect them too (but are a little disappointed they don’t).  However, they sure warm our hearts and keep us grounded in an increasingly hostile world.  So be careful with our treasures children, and gentle with us, please.  You can do what you like when we are gone.  You just might find some new meaning in them then.