Let’s Talk About NOTHING

There is so much going on in the world that my head is spinning. Talk, talk, talk.

I propose that we, at least for a while, talk about nothing.

How can we talk about nothing? Everything is a subject. Everyone has an opinion. Even when we are quiet our brains are still chattering away.

I had an aunt that never stopped talking. Even if you fell asleep listening to her. She was oblivious to the entire outside world. She was locked in her own head. She would phone me and I could set the receiver down and go have a cup of tea, read a book, do housework and come back and she’d still be yammering.

The world has become my aunt. Yakkety yak yak yak.

I want to talk about nothing.

It would be so good to just discuss a fine summer day, like the beauty of flowers, bees buzzing, clouds floating by without digressing into why’s and wherefores and why nots.

At the bus stop a young man noticed I was taking pictures of clouds and had to point out that those clouds were caused by pollution. When I said they were still beautiful, he got quite annoyed and started lecturing me.

Oh, please. Just talk about nothing.

When I see some creature or plant or scenery that I can’t name the genus, species or rock formation, please don’t tell me. There is beauty in the unknown. If I find out this bug is nasty, that plant is invasive or that scenery was caused by man made blasting, it ruins the whole thing. Sometimes, I just prefer mystery. It is not necessary to know everything. It is not important.

I remember reading about a man who saw the most magnificent birds soaring over the coastline and sea. Their outstretched wings angelic white in the sunlight. And when he found out they were seagulls and people were generally unimpressed with them, it ruined the entire experience for that fellow. I happen to like watching seagulls. They are so free.

So let’s talk about nothing and just appreciate what there is. At least, for a while.


There are still a few places in the world you can experience complete silence. You need not travel thousands of miles. I have been delighted to find a few places right in the city, in the outdoors, where sounds are effectively barricaded.

Unless you are with my Mother.

My Mom and I used to take weekend excursions to the country. Little day trips by car to the great outdoors where civilization was far behind in the rear view mirror.

One place I remember very well.

It was late summer and we were deep in some forest, on a road not travelled much. We stopped to stretch and enjoy the scenery.

It was dead quiet. Not a sound. Heaven.

We sat on a guard rail and just listened.

For about thirty seconds.

“It is so quiet here.” My Mom said. I agreed. “I really enjoy the quiet, don’t you? There is no quiet at home. I love it when it is so quiet…” and on and on and on.

“Mom, could you just be quiet for a few minutes so we can enjoy it?”

“Oh, yes of course! I am so sorry to have interrupted your enjoyment. I know that you must need a lot of quiet after your busy week….” and on and on and on. If I persisted to silence her she would get angry and hurt and, well it just wasn’t worth it.

Mom had to comment about everything.

I find this quite funny now, but at the time I was exasperated.

Mom loved to talk, and, I inherited that from her.

However, I can sit quiet for several hours to days.

Let’s Go For Broke!

Two starlings look down on me in askance, from a wire against a grey spring day. I am alone on the street. It is Saturday, and devoid of the hustle and bustle of a normal weekend.

The birds are wondering what is going on.

Though I love quiet, this kind of stillness is not natural. It feels eerie, like a prelude to something bad in a horror movie. I don’t enjoy my walk much, even though I desperately needed to get out and get some fresh air. The world has become a scary place.

This sense of foreboding lingers on even in the confines of my safe apartment. My one cat apartment, where once everything seemed boringly mundane. My cat is uneasy too, his routine disrupted, though I try hard to leave him alone until he wants my company. Things are not the same, and probably, will never be totally again.

I always wished that we could have one day a month, at least, where all activity and noise ceased. No lawnmowers, traffic, radios and the like, just quiet. I still think we need to do this, not just for our sanity, but the worlds.

Just ask my two starling friends. They too have never experienced such quiet. I wonder how they feel about that.

No question that spring is arriving anyhow. Many song birds have returned and filled up the gloomy air with their cheery and now more than ever, welcome familiar songs. Many flocks of geese honk their way above me. It should greatly cheer me, but I only feel afraid.

However, I am encouraged by how quickly the world is recovering from our continual onslaughts of pollution and noise. Amazed is more like it. Too bad it took such a crisis for this to happen.

I am also encouraged by how quickly people showed their true colours, of community, compassion, sacrifice.

I wish that all the good this Covid-19 is bringing could outweigh all the bad of it, and most of all I wish that our entire way of being and conducting business will change for the good. We will leave our greedy, selfish mindset behind. We will stop emulating and worshipping those who set money and their own personal adulation above everyone and everything else.

I should like to see a complete restructuring of society as I now see it does not reflect our true selves and our true values. Pre-virus it was a society based on the greed and control of the select few and is in no way representative of the true spirit and nature of mankind.

This is not a time to just go back to a society of greed and arrogance. This is a time to start anew. We have a golden opportunity to change the way we do things. To still have all the benefits without all the bad.

If only this time history did not repeat. That we learn our hard lessons and make the necessary adjustments. We finally realize we are a global community, we are all in this together. There is no us and them. We end poverty and pollution. We have free health care for everyone. While we are at it, let’s go for free higher education. Free public transportation. Free housing for seniors. Let’s go for broke!

And NO it won’t make us broke. The money is there, it is just crammed up in the 1%. And what do they do with it now? Build more f’in cars, telephones and rockets. Line their own pockets, demand we kiss their . . . . Uh, uh, there I go again!

Wealth is not a bad thing. It just needs to be used a bit better.

Quiet Please

Sounds I like to hear.

A cat purring. Rain on a roof. Fall leaves rustling. Thunder. Wind through the pines. Waves lapping the shore. Birds singing in the morning. Crickets on a hot August afternoon.

Songs that remind me of better times. I can be stopped dead in a store by a song that comes on from the past.

A babbling brook. A train blowing his horn way off in the distance. A cats gentle meow. A lonely loon.

Silence. Yes, I like to hear nothing – it is a very rare thing to experience nowadays. Some nights there is a small window of time, maybe 20 minutes, where there is no noise at all.

If I had my way, we would have a mandatory noise free day once a month. People cannot mow their lawns, have radios on, fix their cars or homes. No traffic, no planes or trains, no sirens, no construction. Try to have a day that people can enjoy quiet.

But even the libraries are not quiet any more.

Having headphones on is not the same as open air quiet. Being outside in a quiet place is expansive.

Quiet please.