Just Because 2020

Every year I get myself a ‘Just Because’ gift for my Birthday and Christmas combined. This year was a bit more difficult to indulge a pleasure; I’ve been out of work since June, so money is tight. It’ll stay tight until Covid is gone or my books start to sell.

But, I do have a whimsical and cheap little desire that was easily fulfilled this week, just in time.

I’ve always had a little girl weakness for glitter, sparkle and rhinestones and such things are plentiful as we near Christmas. So I happily bought a gaudy $6 pin from the local drug store.

Last year I bought a snowflake. I had better taste last year. This year a nutcracker caught my eye.

As you can see, he is a strange little fellow, rather odd expression don’t you think? However, I thought very befitting for 2020. 2020 has been a topsy turvy crazy insane weird year, so he is a perfect tribute to it. He is not cute or pretty, just like 2020. But he has some glam, so I hope 2021 does.

Usually such purchases languish in the box and I never wear them, but I’ll make an exception for my ugly little friend here so I can have some cheer every time I put him on.

Cheers to my ‘Just Because’ gift that brings me an unusual bit of amusement in a year I so desperately need a laugh.